26 de julio de 2011

Entrevista/Interview: T.P. Boje + Giveaway

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The Eye of the Crystal Ball / 2011
One, Two ... He is coming for you / 2011

Español: Negro
English: Purple

The Itzel Library [TIL]: ¿Cuando nació T.P. Boje como escritora? / When born T.P. Boje as a writer?
T.P. Boje [T.P.B]: Nací y crecí en Dinamarca y siempre me ha gustado escribir. Recuerdo que cuando era niña solía escribir todo tipo de historias, mi favorita era una historia que escribí una vez acerca de Tarzán que perdió al mono que es su mejor amigo y se pone a buscarlo por la selva. Desde entonces he escrito un montón de historias, en la escuela secundaria y después escribí un montón de cosas distintas cuando me convertí en periodista. Hace cinco años, fui despedida por recorte de personal en una televisora Danesa donde trabajaba y luego me di cuenta de que esta era mi oportunidad de hacer por fin realidad, mi sueño de escribir ficción. Escribí una novela de misterio, que fue publicada en Dinamarca y desde entonces otras dos han sido publicadas en Dinamarca, Noruega y Alemania. Hace dos años nos mudamos a Florida y comencé a escribir historias en Inglés. Ahora tengo dos libros en Inglés: "One, Two... He is coming for you", que es una novela de misterio y "The Eye of the Crystal Ball", que es una novela de fantasía.
--I am born and raised in Denmark and have always been writing. I remember as a kid I used to write all kinds of stories, my favorite was a story I once wrote about Tarzan who has lost is best friend and monkey and sets out in the jungle to find him. Since then I wrote a lot of other stories during high-school and later I did a lot of other writing when I became a journalist. Five years ago I was fired during cut-backs at the Danish TV-station where I worked and then I realized that this was my chance to finally make my dream about writing fiction come true. I wrote a mystery novel that was published in Denmark and since then two more have been published in Denmark, Norway and Germany. Two years ago we moved to Florida and I started writing stories in English. Now I have two books out in English "One, Two ... He is coming for you" which is a mystery-novel and "The Eye of the Crystal Ball" which is a fantasy-novel.

TIL: ¿Cuándo surge The Eye of the Crystal Ball? / When did The Eye of the Crystal Ball born? 
T.P.B.: Creo que el personaje principal, la gitana Sara, ha estado conmigo siempre. Mis padres me decían (para divertirse) que yo era en realidad una gitana y que me habían encontrado en la puerta de su casa en una pequeña cesta, dejada por los gitanos y ellos que vendrían después a recogerme. Por supuesto que no les creía, sabía que estaban bromeando, pero eso me hizo interesarme mucho en los gitanos y cada vez que veíamos algunos en nuestras vacaciones en el sur de Francia, sentía una conexión con ellos, siempre quise hablarles. 

Pero el resto de la historia no nació hasta la primavera pasada, cuando la gitana Sara apareció en mi cabeza de nuevo y me di cuenta de que estaba a punto de embarcarme en una misión grande y peligrosa.
--I think the main character, the gypsy-girl Sara, have been with me always. My parents used to tell me (for fun) that I was originally a gypsy-girl and that they had found me on the doorstep of their house in a small basket, left by gypsies who would come and pick me up later. It wasn't like I believed them, because I knew they were joking, but it made me very interested in gypsies and every time we saw some on our vacations in the southern France I always felt a connection to them, I always wanted to talk to them.
But the rest of the story wasn't born until this spring when the Gypsy-girl Sara popped up in my head again and I realized that she was about to be going on a big and dangerous quest. 

TIL: ¿Puede contarnos sobre la novela? ¿A qué público va dirigida? / Can you tell us more about the novel? What audience is aimed?
T.P.B.: Está dirigido a un público joven. Jóvenes/adultos y adolescentes. Pero yo realmente creo que es para todos a los que les gusta una buena historia de fantasía. Varias personas de mi edad lo han leído y les encantó.
--It is aimed at a young audience. Young/adults and teenagers. But I actually think it is for everyone who likes a good fantasy story. I have had several people of my own age reading it, and loving it.

TIL: ¿Puede hablarnos un poco sobre "One, Two... He Is Coming For You", para los que no han tenido oportunidad de leerla? / Can you tell us about the "One, Two... He Is Coming For You", for those who have not had the opportunity to read them?
T.P.B.: One, Two... He is coming for you es una novela de misterio que tiene lugar en Dinamarca, de donde soy. El título se basa en la película de terror del personaje de Freddie Krueger. El asesino está fascinado por las películas (por una razón que no puedo revelar) y mata a sus víctimas con un guante similar.

El personaje principal es Rebekka Franck. Ella es una periodista luchadora y es mamá; está tratando de escapar de su marido golpeador regresando a su pueblo natal. Junto con su fotógrafo punk, Sune, resuelve el misterio sobre quién está matando a algunos de los hombres más ricos del país, y por qué!
--One, Two... He is coming for you is a mystery novel that takes place in Denmark where I am from. The title is based on the horror-movie character Freddie Krueger. The killer is fascinated by those movies (for a reason that I cannot reveal) and he kills his victims with a similar glove.

The main character is Rebekka Franck. She is a struggeling journalist and mother who is trying to escape her abusive husband by moving back to her hometown. Together with her punk-photographer Sune she solves the mystery about who is killing some of the wealthiests men in the country, and why!

TIL: Si pudiera ser uno de sus personajes por un día, ¿quién sería y por qué? / If you could be any one of your characters for a day, who would you be and why?
T.P.B.: Definitivamente Sara, la gitana. Su mundo está lleno de criaturas sorprendentes y aventuras que sé, de hecho, que ella está planeando ya otra aventura en la que embarcarse dentro de poco.
--Definitely Sara the gypsy-girl. Her world is so filled with amazing creatures and adventures and I know for a fact that she is already planning on going on another adventure some time soon.

TIL: ¿Hay algún proyecto en curso del que nos pueda hablar un poco? / Is there an ongoing project of which you talk a little?
T.P. B.: No, hablo de casi todo :-)
--No, I talk about almost everything :-)


When Sara was newborn her parents left her at the doorstep at Mr. and Mrs. Schneider's house. 

When Sara was ten she discovered she was telekinetic. She began to move stuff around when she got angry just by her will alone. 

When Sara was twelve her real parents came for her and took her with them to live like the Gypsy that she was - or Romani as they like to call themselves. They told her she was going to fulfill a prophesy. That it was once said that out of the Romani people the greatest sorceress who had ever lived would be born. 

When Sara was thirteen she had a baby brother and when she was fourteen he got very sick with a strange illness. 

To save her baby-brother Sara sets off on a quest to find his cure - well knowing that it will cost her dearly. 

Soon Sara finds herself going through the Singing Cave, crossing Wild Witches Valley, talking to a ten foot giant snail, rescuing the Beads of Souls from the Hell-hounds, escaping a spell in Vamila, the Forest of Vanity, visiting the king at the City of Lights before she finally reaches the Black Castle where she is told the Eye of the Crystal Ball can tell her how to cure her brother's strange illness. 

But nothing is free in this world - and as Sara soon will know - everything has a price.

Donate by  T.P. Boje

1 winner: *1 eBook *
Contest Ends: August 9

To Enter: 
Be over 13 years
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3 comentarios:

  1. me encanto la entrevista!!
    no participo, por que ya tengo el e-book, que reseñaré pronto ;)
    sin embargo, one two... he's coming for you, aunque suena creepy, también suena interesante u.u
    me gusta la idea de que Sara sea una gitana ^-^
    y no sabía que era de dinamarca, es interesante n.n
    una sonrisa!!
    y gracia spor la entrevista ;)

  2. You always have such good giveaways. Thank you so much!


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